with your pilot id or email,
or register

One Engine Out Airways Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations for Membership at One Engine Out Airways.

1) General

1.1) Everyone is welcome in our Virtual Airline
1.2) Everyone must behave in a respectful manner with each other.
1.3) This VA has no place for racism, politics, or adult content.
1.4) Have fun!
1.5) All Documents that are provided by OneEngineOut Airways are free to use. Please respect copyrights. Please do not share or upload the documents; just share the link to our page.

2) Online Flights

2.1) Fly wherever you want, with whoever you want. But PLEASE, if you fly on an online Network like VATSIM or IVAO, respect their rules and try to behave professionally. Always follow instructions from supervisors or ATC. Consider that your behavior reflects on OEO virtual airline as a whole.


3.1) Landing rate has to be -700fpm or less. If you exceed this value with an acceptable reason, please leave a comment in the PIREP and contact the staff directly.
3.2) Please don't use "unlimited fuel". This would result in a reject of the pirep!

4) Discord

4.1) 00 - General purpose It is the general purpose of the community around Blackbox711 to provide a place for aviation interested people and enthusiasts. Sharing quality information, knowledge, having fun and enjoying the freedom of flight-simming or real-world-flying are the key features of this very special place. Everyone who shares the same passion is very welcome to be here. Any actions not serving this goal are to be omitted! If you want to be a part of this unique group, please read the following rules and guidelines carefully, accept them and act accordingly.
4.2) 01 - Nicknames Please use only latin alphabet, roman numerals and additional characters (common sense) for your nicknames - no emojis, abbreviated emojis, arabic, asian or other form of special characters. If possible, match your nickname on the Discord server with your Twitch login. No offensive, hateful, racist, pornographic or otherwise infringing expressions - no matter what language. (Maximum of 40 characters)
4.3) 02 General Rules Be friendly and respectful to everyone in the chat - (treat people like you want to be treated). Do NOT post any malicious, racist, pornographic, hateful, offensive, criminal or violent words, expressions (emotes), links and/or pictures. Do NOT spam any channel or annoy people. Do NOT use bot-commands in an excessive way in any channel. While discussions in the designated channels are welcome, we would like them to be based on respectful opinions and related facts and not being repeated unnecessarily, so do NOT engage in heated up discussions which might end in bashing, regardless if bashing people, developers, planes, the weather, countries, etc. Instructions and requests given by Moderators, Admins and/or Honorable Members must be followed without objection.(bearbeitet)
4.4) 03 - Voice channels The same rules as in general apply here. If possible use "push to talk" or make sure, that you do not have an open "hot" microphone. Please do your best to ensure that you keep the background noise, audible through your microphone, to a minimum.
4.5) 04 - #pilots-lounge This channel is the main hub for general conversation and discussions around all aviation and flight simulation related topics.
4.6) 05 - #real_world_pictures This channel is intended for photos (aviation related) taken in real life. Please ensure that you own the rights on that picture and are permitted to show it in a public manner. Please keep chatting in between posts to a minimum. To keep the channel as clean as possible, conversations between photos (especially those which are longer than 10 lines) might be removed by a moderator at any time.
4.7) 06 #screenshots This channel is intended for ingame Screenshots. Please keep chatting in between posts to a minimum. To keep the channel as clean as possible, conversations between screenshots (especially those which are longer than 10 lines) may be removed by a moderator at any time.
4.8) 07 #software_sales This channel is solely for posting information or links to discounted products regarding software or hardware. Links to upcoming releases or just released updates/upgrades are valid as well. NO discussions please.
4.9) 08 - #off-topic This channel is for the most part unmoderated, but please keep a human manner and common sense.
4.10) 09 - #ask-blackbox Subscribers only channel Like the title says, post questions here, which are aimed personally to Blackbox711. He will try to answer as soon as he can. Of course anyone can answer if he or she is sure about the correct answer.
4.11) 10 - #tweaking_and_support This channel is dedicated for people asking help with their simulator related issues either with simulator itself or with add-ons. This does not replace the official support by any developer and if possible the official support with product related issues is recommended.
4.12) 11 - Timeouts and/or Bans If a user does not comply to staff request repeatedly, timeouts can/will be given. In severe occasions and as a last resort, a user can/will be banned from the Discord server. A ban is the least thing we want to do. But should the behavior of a person leave no other choice, then he/she will be banned. A ban is permanent and not negotiable!
4.13) 12 - User interaction, complaints and “mod-abuse” At any given time, users can contact Moderators, “Admins” and/or “Honorable Members” if they have the feeling of being treated wrong or if they see another user repeatedly violating the rules without intervention. If you are under the impression of “mod-abuse” (unwillingly changed nickname, unjustified timeout, etc.) please contact another user of the above mentioned staff, describe the situation and provide the channel and time in which the situation occurred. Staff will then review the case as soon as possible and act accordingly. In the rare case of intentional false suspicion, actions will be taken against the “offender”! Welcome to the Blackbox711 Community.

5) privacy policy

5.1) With your registration you accept our privacy policy

If you agree with our Rules and Regulations, you may continue to fill out the Application by clicking below.
With sending the Application you also accept our privacy policy.

By checking the checkbox below and clicking "Continue" you expressly accept, that our website uses the following services
which may collect data, such as IP-Address, Cookies etc. This is not the resonsibility of the Oneengineout virtual airline!

  • Google Maps
  • Google Fonts
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Youtube
  • Discord
  • OpenStreetMap

If you refuse to use the services above you CAN'T USE the Oneengineout VA and you must leave this website!

I agree to the terms of Service and the use of the services listed above.

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